Great Southern Road travel book & DVD

Great Southern Road travel book and DVD by Glen Redgate, inspired by the London to Sydney Marathon. Take the Great Southern Road trip, a timely travel book publication and DVD production with the Australian Perth to Sydney Marathon Rerun planned to be held in 2022    More info Here

The Great Southern Road travel book guides you along a Great Southern Road trip. The adventure features many of Australia's iconic tourist roads including the Eyre Highway from the west as it doubles as the Nullarbor Plain then the Great Ocean Road (Part of the 1977 London to Sydney Marathon route) and the Monaro Highway on it’s path to the east. The concept of the travel book is influenced by the road history and rally events that took place along our southern borders. In particular the London to Sydney Marathons, with a special focus on the famous 1968 and 1993 events. However, you don’t have to be a ‘petrol head’ to appreciate the wonders of our own uniquely Australian Great Southern Road. The stories on each page are for a good read or your travel guide to discovery so you can visit historic land marks , enjoy spectacular and often unique scenery, share myths and legends and know some of the wonderful charachters who live along Australia's great southern road.

Great Southern Road travel book is accompanied by Glen Redgate's Great Southern Road DVD,  a uniquely Australian film narrated by the logie award winning Russel Goodrick. The film shows a visual contrast of a 100 years of motor celebrities. Featuring - 1968 London to Sydney. 1993 London to Sydney . 2000 London to Sydney. More info Here

Contact Glen Redgate Here

View pdf sample pages of the Great Southern Road travel book and also Synopsis, Introduction and Contents pages below


Synopsis Cont.





Road History 1

Road History 2

Road History 3

Road History 4

Road History 5

Great Southern Road promotional video

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